About the traveller


Hey, I’m Crystal, 22 this year. I wish to be a part-time traveller/photographer/designer/artist one day.

After graduating from my diploma in Mass Communication in 2014, I decided I want to pursue a life of travel instead of going to uni. I may not be sure about many things in my life, but I am know one thing for sure. I want to explore the world. I want to experience the local culture in every city I go to, I want to see how people live outside of Singapore and I want to see all the beautiful sights in the world.

 Personally, I like to travel alone and meet locals in the cities I go to. Occasionally, I use Couchsurfing to meet and live with the locals. It’s possible to travel the world on a low budget. Check out my tips on how to survive as a budget traveller here!

Also, the website is best viewed if you press Command + Shift + F.  

6 thoughts on “About the traveller

  1. Heard u on kiss 92. I started backpacking at the age of 24 and hv not stopped since. Now I’m back to Singapore for work then off to travel again.

    I just concluded the Silk Road from here to Europe overland. U shld do Central Asia. Skip Europe. Ur money can get u further tht way.

    If u need info. Let me know.


    • Hi Brandon! Thanks for the tip! I thought about backpacking across Asia too (maybe next year), but right now, I would to head to Italy, stay there for 3 months and just immense in the culture!!! I have always loved Italy.


  2. Heard you too on Kiss 92 and got really excited when you shared your experience in Nepal. Nevertheless I still have no idea how you travel so much at such a young age. Good luck by the way!

    Your fan from JB.


  3. Stumbled onto your blog while surfing the net, and I think we share the same ambition 😛
    You’re really inspirational, I look forward to reading more of your adventures 🙂


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