The Hidden Waterfall

As most of you know, I absolutely enjoy hiking and I was obviously intrigued when I heard from my friends about a hidden waterfall, off the beaten track. The waterfall is hidden in the forest and it is almost impossible to find if you don’t go with some locals.


The start of the trail


A place to chill at before the arduous part of the trail

Tourists don’t visit this waterfall because the trail towards to the waterfall is not an easy walk and there’s no proper paths to walk on. Most of the times, we were walking in the bushes, on steep narrow paths, climbing across rocks, and walking on the rocks in the river. The trail was really an experience for me because not only did we keep going uphill, it was a difficult path to walk and I kept wanting to give up every few minutes. Thank god I didn’t because I wouldn’t have experienced everything I did.


I did the track with 4 local friends and they are rather familiar with the path towards the waterfall so it was not a problem for us to find our way. Halfway through the tracks, my friends actually climbed up the coconut trees, plucked some coconuts and opened it with the machete we brought along with us. Hydrated with organic coconuts from the forest. Loved it!!!





We started a small fire with dried leaves and cooked some canned food and heated up Sarsa (a local dish from Romblon made of coconut and river shrimps), put our food on the coconut shells and we just ate. It was an amazing experience to be so self sustainable in the middle of the forest. It’s 100% possible to survive without any money if you know how to make use of the natural resources around you. Obviously I am not as cool as my friends, but it’s incredible what fascinating things we can do with almost nothing at all.



Oh and I also went cliff jumping into the waterfall. I have done cliff jumping before (max 15m) and this was probably around 4 metres but I was scared as hell. Partially because there was no diving board to jump from and also the more I looked at it the scarier it got. However, after much hesitation I decided to just do it and it was….STILL DAMN SCARY. Wouldn’t change it for the world though.
