
The lake was so cold and I was freezing. DO NOT  be fooled by the nice weather.

2014 was indeed a fruitful year. Despite the numerous setbacks and obstacles I faced, I must say, I am proud of myself for taking the first step to accomplish my dreams to travel the world and making things happen for myself. 2014 was also the year I overcame some a lot of my fears, likejumping into water bodies, snorkeling and falling in love. 

Of course I made some mistakes this year, did things I am not proud of and sometimes, I felt like giving up. Regardless of the amount of downs in my life, I always tell myself, although life deals you a bad hand at times, it’s all about how you play your cards. Who knows? You might just bluff your way through that goddamn game and win. 

It’s amazing how you can accomplish things in life if you really put your mind to it. I know 2015’s gonna be even more incredible. 

I am sure. 

