When in Italy, go to Naples


After looking at photos of Naples, Italy, it feels almost necessary to show you how beautiful Naples is. Naples was one of the cities I went to on my most recent trip (which was 6 months ago, SIGH) and I somehow I really like this place. While standing at the port, it reminds me of Singapore. I guess every time I see the harbour, I get reminded of Singapore.






Here are some things about the Campania region that I learnt while I was there. I got most of these facts from my local friends.
– Campania region consists of Caserta, Avellino, Benevento, Naples and Salerno. Naples is the capital.
– One reason the King built the royal Palace of Caserta was to rival the Palace of Versailles in France.
– The best cheese on Earth (in my opinion), by that I mean Buffalo Mozzarella, is from  Caserta.
– Naples is home to the first pizzeria ever opened. Pizza was invented in Naples!
– And on the same note, Margherita pizza is named after Queen Margherita. The pizza also has the 3 colours of the Italy flat.
– The eruption of Mount Vesuvius destroyed the whole city of Pompeii.
– The beautiful Amalfi coast is in this region.

Last and most important fact – South Italy is great and I think if you are doing a trip to Italy, YOU GOTTA GO TO THE SOUTH. HAHAHAHA It’s really chill, much much more chill than North Italy. Although I was only at the Campania region, which is the closest region South of Lazio (the region where Rome is), I could already feel the difference between South and North of Italy.
